Friday, April 10, 2009

Seven Seconds

Seven seconds short.... that's how much time that kept me from passing the fitness test!!!
My number one problem is breathing, I find myself struggling to catch my breath and not get a side stitch. I need to start my training all over again and focus on my breathing. The next test is six months away... I will do it, I will pass this freaking test. Breath in - Breath out : sounds so simple but for whatever reason I am not doing this well at all.

I was bummed when I went home yesterday - had a big choclolate-mocha shake to drown my sorrows. My stomach was miserable for several hours. But I am now motivated again to kick my butt in gear and get to it... I really think if I start over and FOCUS on my breathing with my running stride I can get it right. Wierdness, my breathing seems ok on the treadmill but put me on road, track or path and I seem to lose it and my breathing gets all ragged.

So here we go one foot in front of the other... one at a time and BREATHE!

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