Monday, February 19, 2024

Here we go again...

Once more time I find myself reflecting on my state of physical wellness. I am not where I want to be. I know the only reason I am not healthier or stronger is me.

 Not staying committed to the steps necessary to each a better stage of fitness. Everyday I see the struggles of those I love. Their pains and challenges are so hard to watch.

As a caregiver, I know I need to care for myself better. Over the years, I have collected tools to aid in fitness improvement. The main tool I am missing is me! Within me is the ability, drive and commitment to get stronger, more fit and healthier.

I know the fitness path includes mind, body and spirit. I have reflected on this for some time now... today is the day. No more procrastination. My daily commitment starts now. 

#fitnessjourney #ifnotnowwhen #selfcare