Monday, March 01, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove

Today I am running for the first time since my ankle sprain two weeks ago... I cannot believe how antsy I have been lately. I have been almost pacing wanting to get back to it... I had to stop myself twice from lacing up too soon. I will take it easy today with walk breaks just to give the ankle time to accept it. I expect I will have to stay easy this week before stepping it up next week. I have signed up for a 5k the first Saturday of April to give myself a goal.

The past few months I have had difficulty staying motivated - so I have taken up the journal action and goal-setting. My short-term goal is to pass the 1.5 mile fitness test. Mid-range goal is to improve my 5k time... my next goal is to complete the 10k distance this fall. The long range goal for next year is the half-marathon of 13.1 miles! That may take a fair amount of butt-kicking to reach.

The run wasn't horrible... I have my work cut out for me to get back into shape. My pace was just a little faster than when I first started the couch-to-5k last fall. I am trying to be careful. The ankle feels fine. That's good news. The hard part is to not get anxious and just work back to a comfortable 30 minute run without walk breaks... patience, patience, patience.

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