Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February almost done

Unbelievable! February is almost finished already!
This month I have been trying to stay on task with my training. I have signed up for my first 5K -- The sunset 5K on April 7th. It is my hope that by signing up I will maintain my motivation to get up every morning and do what I have to... so far, so good.

Today I discovered there is a sprint triathlon on my birthday -- the Santa Rosa Island Tri @ Pensacola Beach. Hmmm... will have to think about it, Further to drive than Mexico Beach -- but it is my birthday. I will need to decide by July so I can register early.

Today is running / strength day -- my morning run went fine, after work is strength training with light weights and stretching of course.

This Saturday is run/walk event in downtown Panama City. Should be fun, will try to convince my family this is fun for everyone! ;-)

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