Saturday Mardi Gras 5k @ St Andrews, cold morning bit brisk wind -- I knew warming up would not be a problem. Had the proper layers on and ready to go... disaster struck. Close to the one mile mark, I stepped off the edge of the road and turned my ankle. Ouch! I went down hard -- not a graceful landing. I could not finish the race. A police officer gave me a ride back to the start. The officer had a great joke... I was starting mardi gras in the back of a patrol car! He made me laugh, I was so bummed about not finishing the race.
Now on Tuesday, three days later... My right ankle is very purple and still swollen somewhat, my left knee has large boo-boo. Guess I will rest it this week and then next week get back to it. The county fitness test is aproximately 6 weeks away. I need to get in gear if I am going to pass this time.
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