Tuesday, December 08, 2009


After a successful run on Saturday, Monday's run was very tough. I struggled to complete two miles. Very discouraging, I was feeling so strong on Saturday. I saw photos from the race and no doubt I was pushing it to finish. My mouth was wide open in every picture. Oh well...

Tomorrow is another run day. I am hoping I will do better -- I am not giving up! I know I can run -- certainly better than I could run two months ago. The rest of December I will stick with the 30 minutes run of the final week of the Couch to 5k program. In January I am planning to start the 10k training program in preparation for the Beach Blast duathlon in April.

I have signed up to run this Saturday again another 5k... I am not planning another race until February (possibly the Mardi Gras 5k in St Andrews) then the Duathlon in April. I will probably not race again until September. Summer are too hot and I would rather use my weekends for sailing, swimming and/or photography -- fun stuff. I will continue my training runs but save the summer months for playing in the water or hanging out with my camera.

Races are a good way to push myself. The training runs do not have the adrenaline rush of the races. Lining up with the crowds waiting for the starter gun --- this gets the psyche charged for action. My runs during the week help to build my strenght and endurance. Running is so hard! I am hoping that one day, the running won't be soooo difficult. I just keep going at it, my progress is steady -- from just a few minutes at a time to 30 minutes solid...!

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