Monday, August 16, 2010

Here we go again...

After another period away from the exercise routine, I am back at it again. I have recharged my mp3 player - loaded up my gym bag and I am ready to hit the pavement with new running shoes. Exercise and fitness is so important, and yet once again I allowed my motivation to wane. Sticking with it is THE hardest part to me, the running is hard, the weight training is hard but the dedication to keep at it day after day is the HARDEST. I have no excuse, I just stopped doing it. Nike has the motto, JuSt Do It -- that's it, just do it. That's what I have to remind myself - just do it. Each morning, I need to push myself out of bed and just do it... either go running, hit the weights, ride my bike whatever IT is -- just do it.

Enough of the laziness, etc. To get fit requires effort -- I really want to be healthy and strong, therefore, I must "just do it" I am done kicking myself for sitting on my butt, The process to fitness is one day at a time. Patience and determination are key components of any program, I am strong-minded - I have proven this many times in the past, now is the time to prove it again. Just do it :-)

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