Vacationing in Baltimore, Maryland this week and I am so impressed with the bicycle commuters I have seen here. I am really amazed with the single-speed bikes I see all over town. Lots of clips / at home I rarely see anyone with clips on their pedals. Baltimore is not the "flatlands" like most of Florida. Seeing people commute in the conditions of a city like this, I am further convinced in the viability of full-time bike commuting. Between the volume of traffic, noise and air quality of downtown Baltimore I don't know how these folks do it but there are more than a few folks who ride full-time.
Local magazine called the "Urbanite" even had an article this week discussing the city's first full-time bike & pedestrian planner, Nate Evans. An avid cyclist, the article has him riding a cruiser bike wearing a necktie and using messenger-style bag. I haven't seen anyone using panniers yet -- and only a few bikes with rear racks. Many of the bikes have been single-speed or road bikes...

today I actually saw two mountain bikes one being a sturdy (and heavy) Huffy. (I even saw a fella on a folding bike this morning huffing and puffing up Charles Street downtown) Some hearty souls these riders are, in my humble opinion.
I can't wait to get home and pedal forth.
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