Saturday, March 13, 2010

Run for Babies 5K

This was a challenging race! The winds were averaging close to 20 mph throughout the event. The course was pretty decent (except for the section by the fuel depot - strong chemical odor) but the winds made it wicked hard! I was very surprised to learn I placed 3rd in my age group. I won a ribbon -- more bling! I felt so beat up when I crossed the finish line. Waiting for our times to be announced was tough -- thank goodness my young friend, Stephen (6ft tall and 19) graciously stood in front of me as a windbreak. I am so glad to finish this race... now I am sufficiently motivated to keep training for the next race in April.

This race was so hard I could not maintain the running pace -- I ended up walking a lot. Tomorrow I will not run, but Monday I get back in the groove towards maintaining the 30 minute continuous run. The Couch to 5k program really works, and it is possible to back up in the program if there are any setbacks. My sprained ankle was exactly one month ago. I restarted the C25k at week 4 two weeks ago getting ready for today's race. My ankle did not give me any trouble but my endurance is waaaaay off. I know as I keep going with the training I will recover my strength.

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