Thursday, March 05, 2009

Wednesday workout

Today's workout went really well, I think my body is finally forgiving me after Sunday's challenge at Seaside. My next goal is to pass county fitness test and run 1 1/2 miles in 19:30!
The test is in early April so the month of March is all I have left to get it together. Last fall I came just short of the goal and I know I am stronger now but I plan to focus my energies on this one goal!

As soon as I complete the fitness test my next goal will be the Sundancer Adventure Race on May 16th. This race has been cancelled twice in the past - once due to a hurricane and the second cancellation I am not sure the reason... hopefully, this time (being the third) will happen. I have signed up for the sprint biathlon of 3miles on bike (off-road) and 5k running (with last 1/2 mile on the beach) -- I know I can do this I want to do really well (feeling competitive perhaps?) in my age group at least.


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