Today's doctor visit was very positive. In 4 days (Friday) the external fixator will be removed from my wrist. Hallelujah! I will need to wear a Velcro brace for couple weeks as reinforcement but the bone itself appears to have healed sufficiently. The foot is not completely set so the airboot will stay on couple more weeks as well. The process has turned a corner at last. Only 6 weeks have passed since my injury but it seems much longer. I realize now just how active a person I was becoming - not being able to walk, run, ride or even workout really affected my 'psyche".
I have been very lax on my diet --pretty much junking out and bummed, the pity party is over. Very soon I will be able to start back on the bike and low-impact stuff -- i may have lost the summer season but that's ok - cuz Fall/Winter is the best time in Florida.