Trying to decide what will be my next race, only a few dog-friendly races in our area --- I think my next race may have to be solo. Cherokee is a decent running partner, he is patiently waiting for me to get faster. :-)
I have found it! Our next race is...
the Anchors Away 6k trail run at Conservation park in Panama City Beach on June 23rd. I called the event organizer and asked if the dog could run with me and they said OK!
So... now we have a goal -- only 3 weeks away. A 6k is 3.728 miles and we average the 3 mile distance pretty consistently (just not quickly yet) -- we will pick it up a little on our morning runs until race day. I know Cherokee will love the trail as the asphalt of the city streets can be hard on his paws. The last race had a couple
segments with some really rough street surfaces, I worried about this and tried to keep him on the grass as much as possible. He 'heels' on the right always so I will run closer to the edge when the asphalt gets 'ugly' if there is not too much debris on the edges of the road. I have discovered the streets can be dangerous places on foot and on the bike. The sheer volume of glass and trash can cause havoc on bike tires, running shoes and pup paws. Amazing what people throw out onto the road... but that's a topic for another day.