Friday, July 20, 2007

Another weekend is here

Well, this has been a Very VERY hot week, Temps have soared into 3 digits with the heat index almost every day. I was so tired this morning I did not ride my bike as I had planned.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thunderstorms and Bike

don't mix too well. Yesterday as I prepared to leave work a crazy storm came up! Rain pouring horizontally, Thunder & Lighting generated a wild show. I decided to take up co-worker's offer and accept a ride home. Sure glad I did, the roads were flooded everywhere! Brought my bike home today in our van. I noticed this morning during my run/walk segment my feet hurt! I think I may need new shoes. I managed to keep going and finish out my workout but my feet have been tender thru-out the day. hmmm... I may be slow as molasses but I still need happy feet. :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Getting Stronger

This week has been very successful -- M/W/F worked the Run/Walk program. T/Th I commuted by bike to work and back... very hot Thursday - heat index 100+ on my route home. Very hard to pedal in such heat but I managed by drinking lots! of water. Took a longer route home to stay on the shaded streets as much as possible.
